ATTN: All Conservatives

Does this statement reflect your position?
Do you support this statement?

"No sadness for children and civilians getting killed.It is the right thing! They are getting rid of the next evil generation.By killing the mothers or women it means they cant make terriosts ...
Keep MARCHING ON in APRIL.Who knows maybe we can make oil out of their children and mothers to lower our prices."

[This message was edited by lander on 04-02-03 at 11:24 AM.]
By your reply I must assume that you agree with the above statement made by your fellow Conservative. Nice to know there are multiple posters in favor of genocide.
your assumptions truly show your ignorance, and complete abrogation of any intelligence whatsoever


first Iraq, then France
"does your stupidty have no bounds?"

I suppose stupidity is relative, so compared with say, Kant, my "stupidity" may, indeed, be nearly boundless, however compared with your stupidity I suspect my "stupidity" would be approaching absolute zero whereas yours may, quite possibly, be infinite.

Does it not concern you that even your own side doesn't take you serious?

role player
Sep 20, 2004
Kill the iraqi fighters, all of them Allah man loyalist, before they kill their own children.

lander what are your coordinates?

ignorance is curable with knowledge, stupid is forever. Sorry, but there is no doubt you fall in the latter category.
Why is it with you people that conservative and exocentric are synonomous? You twist words, make ridiculous assertions, and then expect others to agree with you.
You are Saddamite scum - please move to Iraq.
Don't call us, we'll call you!
lib-lander won't move, his ilk would like the US to be turned into a socialist hell hole.
"Why is it with you people that conservative and exocentric are synonomous?"
I don't know that they are, that's why I asked a question based on an actual quote. If you're angry with the quote then I suggest you take it up with the author.

"You twist words, make ridiculous assertions, and then expect others to agree with you."
Let me reiterate. I directly quoted (no twisting words) a poster and simplty asked (no assertion) if the Conservatives agreed with the statement (no expecting others to agree, thus the asking).

"You are Saddamite scum - please move to Iraq. Don't call us, we'll call you!"
Explain to me why somebody else stating that they want to kill all the children makes me "Saddamite scum"? In all actuallity Saddam has commited mass genocide much like "johhnie 2 times" says we should do. Surely, "johnnie" is the one with "Saddamite" tendencies, not I.

"No sadness for children and civilians getting killed.It is the right thing! They are getting rid of the next evil generation.By killing the mothers or women it means they cant make terriosts ...
Keep MARCHING ON in APRIL.Who knows maybe we can make oil out of their children and mothers to lower our prices."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Only an idiot would agree with that quote. Even for those of us who see this as a just war, we still see the loss of human life as a tragedy (with the exception of suicide bombers). I am saddened by death and injuries of Iraq's women and children just as I grieve for the loss of our soldiers. I pray daily for an ending to this war without more loss of life (I know you will take that one and run with it). But I strongly beleive that the U.S. military's presence there is justified and their purpose there is a noble one. It sickens me to see our troops portrayed as murderers of innocent civilians, when our whole war plan revolves around avoiding civilian deaths. When Iraq's leaders throw their civilians in front of their soldiers as shields, what are we to do? Retreat? Go home?
Iraq's propaganda campaign magnifies civilian deaths when they are probably responsible for nearly all of them.
And all the cries of,"The US didn't have UN approval, The US is showing it's arrogance, It's not up to the US to police the world, The US mistreats the Arabs, Muslims, etc." -----
It's all off base. This war is not about oil, religion, race, or diplomacy. It is about the removal of the presence of evil and danger and oppression. And when you know you are right, you don't need approval from the rest of the world. I say these things, not in an attempt to sway the anti-war crowd, but in hope that some bystander in this ongoing debate will stop and say, "Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking."
Nice post Tubby.

Certainly you know that I strongly disagree with your opinion and your stance, but I do appreciate your objectivity & overall classy post.

Thank you for making it clear that the quote was not indicitive of the "pro-war" stance.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Confession to Lander:
Gosh, you must be on this board constantly or just at the same time as me always.
Until the war started, I knew absolutely nothing about world events. My wife listens to NPR while she works, and she would come in as ask me if I had heard about this or that and I would reply, "They didn't say anything about it on Sportscenter last night." But now, we actually watch a lot of news (Fox News of course) to stay informed and just out of concern for our troops and our world. I am no war banger and I actually think George W. Bush is a man of strong morals and a man of integrity (I can hear you laughing). Anyway, I seem to be missing out on seeing how I lost that Texas Tech game in the final minute, but It's informative and thought provoking to scan the board here every night and throw an occasional jab. I respect everyone's right to voice an opinion, and that's what makes this forum an interesting read for even those who choose not to jump in. Some opinions are far left and some are far right. And some from both ends are just plain inflammatory. I guess most folks who ride in the middle just choose to stay on the sidelines.


New member
Sep 21, 2004

Johnny two times was tossed from this site earlier in his incarnation as 'fatbob' for making continual racist remarks about arabs in the wake of 911.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

You asked if "as a conservative" I would support the two statements you cited.

The answer is NO WAY. Never.

San Jose

PS--Note to all liberals, that's how you answer a direct question, not with your usual "spin" of "No, but..."

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
I understand the point you`re trying to make. However, in this forum any attempt at direct confrontation with the intent to get a "simple" answer to a seemingly easy question is an exercise in futility. What you engender are moronic responses from Hansen types. I personaly have given up on any discussion re. the war as it is now in full swing. Rather I think our efforts should be directed @ Bush`s insane tax cuts for the wealthy, which in turn necessitate massive program reductions for the most needy. Of course now will come the hue & cry of "wellfare state" "communist" etc. The cuts are directed mainly against the most vulnerable in our Society, i.e. children, elderly, handicapped etc. Allthough they KNOW this it won`t matter to the RW Loonies! Oh and don`t forget cuts in Vets benefits. But none of this will matter to the lunatic fringe. Anyone that thinks it`s insanity to give money back to the wealthiest 1% in the country, and then cut programs benefiting the most needy and unable to work citizens, write your Congressman.

I love my country but fear my government.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lander's question: no - the quote is pathetic.

I'm surfacing on Thursday as promised. Nothing I've seen in the last few days has moved me one inch from my belief in this war. I seriously do not like to see civilians getting killed, but it is part of war. I have thought about this quite a bit and I personally cannot find anything new to say about what's going on that I haven't said before. I think I will once the battle (or attrition) of Baghdad begins, which is imminent - Fox is reporting some coalition troops are 4 miles from the capital and can see the skyline - but until then I honestly, and without rancor, can't see any subject worth honest debate (for myself, not for others) that I haven't spoken to before.

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